note to self: don’t sulk over things you can change

Every morning, my mind goes through a struggle of anxiously planning the day and my mind copes from that anxiety by day dreaming- it’s just a mess. So I lay in bed for awhile until I feel “awake” enough to stand. Then I go wash my face as a little push towards the day.

I came across a book on my parent’s desk entitled, “10 Things I Want My Daughter to Know”. As a curious book worm, I dove right into it. The writing style of Annie Chapman really helped me enjoy the gentle counsel. I related to a lot of what was written. It really helped me set my mind on better, more important matters. I love hearing the stories of other people’s experiences and how they go through it. A good counseling book is like having a convenient mentor by your side.

What struck me the most in this book was,

Don’t let anything you can change limit your life

Annie Chapman, 10 Things I Want My Daughter to Know p.25

If I can lessen my stress by resting more, exercising and eating healthy,
If I can let go of resentment by forgiving,
If I can overcome my moping and sulking by choosing to accept what is,
If I can pray when I cannot push myself to do the things above…

Then I should not let exhaustion, anxiety and upset feelings ruin my life.

There are many things in this world that I can’t change i.e., other people, my feelings, the past, etc. But I can decide how to respond and handle all that life throws at me. I could choose to fight for joy, live healthy, and seek God one step at a time or I could let everything crash down on me and stay under the weight of lies.

Thank You, Lord, for your truth. It sets me free from the urge to focus on myself and how easily tired I get. Thank You because I am enlightened and determined once again.

God, be my strength.

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