What Color Best Describes You?

Yesterday, I asked my sister… “what color do I look like?”

Someone said, I looked like a yellow. Another said I was red, a color of passion. But the answer that struck me the most was my sister’s. She said I was green.

I must be her favorite person then! ‘Cause green is her favorite color.

Why?, I asked.

Because you are raw. You are real.

Recently, my sister and I have been talking about our regrets and mistakes. How it’s so easy to rationalize and justify your intentions, and yet, miss out on realizing how truly wrong you are.

We saw our humanity. And I guess, my sister saw that in me too. A flawed, imperfect person. My vulnerability. All of me, exposed. And yet, loved deeply, blessed, cherished and valued.

Such is the grace of God. To see all my colors and love me still.

What is your color?

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